Leadership is not about titles, positions or flowcharts. It is about one life influencing another.
Today’s children are tomorrow’s leaders. Some children are born with leadership skills whereas
others need to be encouraged and nurtured to develop leadership skills. Learning leadership skills
from a young age can provide kids with an excellent head start in life. Being a leader, a kid will
develop qualities like honesty, confidence, and determination. Teachers, parents and other family
members can support the child in developing these qualities in early life.
Interactive activities play an important part in developing leadership skills and these activities can be
verbal, visual, or vocal. Students need to involve these activities in their day to day life. The word
‘interactive’ means communication between people. So, when a child interacts with other children
through different tasks it helps sharpen his/her decision making, team-building and communication
Benefits of interactive activities
Activities can be performed individually or in a group setting, which helps them to boost their
leadership skills. Teachers can ask a particular child to act as a leader. They can teach the skills
necessary for children to take on leadership roles now and in the future
Some of the key benefits of interactive activities are:
Develop Rational Leadership:
With interactive activities, children pay attention to others and due to which they develop the
foundation of relational leadership.
Develops Volunteering Roles:
Taking up the activities volunteering allows them to lead a task and work with other children overall
it improves their ability to work in a team.
Helps in strategising:
Their vital leadership skills get sharpen by involving in discussion and creation of various strategies.
Assign a task that they can do by splitting them into groups and each member of the group is given a
specific role.
Encourage morale:
Ask students to draw a sketch of their own and make identifications to clearly show that the picture
is theirs. This kind of activity boosts self-confidence in a child.
Teaches to act the role of a leader:
Split the classroom into groups and select a leader for each group. Assign each group with a task that
they need to complete under their leader’s guidance. This way you can develop communication skill
in a child.
Helps in generating goodwill:
An effective leader expresses goodwill and kindliness. A leader should possess sympathy and
tenderness to bind the team together. Teachers can assist children with planning a fund-raiser. This
will help children learn about supporting worthy charities and spreading goodwill towards others.
Final Thought
Interactive activities can help students in developing leadership skills. Teachers should come up with
more activities which will help in turning today’s children into tomorrow’s leaders.